Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Husman Ahmed Memory Assignment Essay Example for Free

Husman Ahmed Memory Assignment Essay Thus we can now say that the boys had a mean number of words remembered as 10. 2 and the median as 12, proving that the short term memory capacity of the boys is definitely greater, as they tend to recall more. The mode however was 10 for both genders meaning that if the results was to be generalised the we could say that both sexes had the same capacity in the short term memory. Also the experiment that was carried out contained a few flaws, firstly there was the error mentioned earlier of assuming that everyone had the same IQ levels, this was a huge assumption as some students could have had only five GCSE passes whereas others could have had 12 to get into the course, meaning that the teacher had no knowledge of the past of the students. Another flaw with the design was the influence of the Long term memory, the list of words consisted of animal names and the names of various fruits and vegetables. The list was constructed as follows:Thirdly the participants could have employed various strategies to remember the words, if some participants were familiar with a certain strategy then they could have used that. Meaning that some participants had a better way of remembering thus we can also add that different people use different methods to store items into memories, some of these methods are particularly favourable to some people. Individual differences can also influence the results. Finally structured learning techniques could have had shaped the results, as some people can automatically relate words, for example the Monkey, Gorilla and the Banana all fit together, as does the dolphin and the whale. Miller 1956 mentioned that the recall of people was usually seven plus two or seven minus two. This theory however does not fit into my results as the mean, mode, and the median proved that the recall was much more higher for both of the groups. This could be favourable towards the fact that we have used words which the participants are very familiar with since they have learnt the names of these animals and the names of these fruits and vegetables since they were very young, which means that they are words which are from the long term memory; these words have been revised and repeated for many years. Baddley in the year 1975 conducted a experiment, later redone by Naveh-Benjamin and Ayres in the year 1986 concluded that the English language was easier to memorise, rather than the Arabic language. The fact that the words are from the English language, also works against our result as they are easier to remember; though our experiment clearly agrees with this experiment. Murdock in the year 1962 carried out his Free recall Experiments, which were very similar to our experiments, expect that he used non sense trigrams, which had no effect from the Long term memory.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Sources Of Municipal Solid Waste In Delhi Environmental Sciences Essay

Sources Of Municipal Solid Waste In Delhi Environmental Sciences Essay India is the second most populated country a second fastest growing economy in the world. From the period of 2001-2026 the population of India is to increase from 1030 million to 1400 million, if we consider the increase rate to be 1.2 % annually then there will be an increase of 36% in 2026.accordingly about 285 million live in urban areas and about 742 million live in rural areas. (Census of India, 2001).In India urbanisation is becoming more because people are moving from villages to cities and there is a rapid increase in population in the metropolitan cities .Mumbai is the largest populated city followed by New Delhi and Kolkata. Generally, the greater the economic prosperity and the higher the percentage of urban population, the greater is the amount of solid waste produced (Hoornweg and Laura, 1999). In Hoornweg and Laura, 1999 1996 about 114,576 tonnes/day of municipal solid waste was generated by the urban population of India, by the end of 2026 it is predicted to increase to 440,460  tonnes/day This great increase in the amount of MSW generated is due to changing lifestyle and living standards urban population(Hoornweg and Laura, 1999). STUDY AREA Delhi is a very densely populated area and is the capital of India. Since Delhi is an urbanised city the annual growth rate is increasing very rapidly in the last decade the growth rate has increased by 3.85%. Delhi is the capital of India this tells us that it is the centre for commerce trade and power, since it is one of the largest cities and the capital it produces excellent job opportunities, which account for its rapid increase in its population and increased pace of urbanization. Due to the fast urbanisation and the growing population the production of municipal solid waste is also increasing very rapidly. According to a survey Delhi generates about 7000 tonnes/day of municipal solid waste and this municipal waste is to ride about 17000-25000 tonnes/day by the year 2026.due to the rapid increase in the population and municipal solid waste the disposal of the waste has become a great head ache for the municipality in Delhi. Out of the waste gathered only 70-80% of municipal sol id waste is collected while the remaining is dumped onto streets or open ditches. Out of the 70-805 collected only 9% of the collected municipal solid waste is treated by composting the remaining is sent to the land fill sites. New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC), The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) and Delhi Cantonment Board (DCB) are three municipal entities responsible for MSW management in Delhi. (Vikash Talyan, R.P. Dahiya, 2008). IDENTIFICATION OF SOURCES, TYPES AND COMPOSITION OF MUNCIPAL SOLID WASTE IN DELHI Sources and types of solid waste in Delhi: Residential:-the residence might be single family or multiple family dwellers the types of waste they produce are paper, food wastes , cardboard , leather, yard wastes, textiles, glass, special wastes, metals, plastics , ashes, wood and household hazardous wastes. Industrial: industries produce ashes, food wastes, packaging, special wastes, housekeeping wastes, construction and demolition materials and hazardous wastes. Commercial Institutional: they produce wood, metals, cardboard, glass, special wastes, Paper, food wastes, hazardous wastes. Municipal services: landscape and tree trimmings, Street sweepings, general wastes from beaches, parks, and other recreational areas, sludge. (Hoornweg, Daniel with Laura Thomas. 1999) Composition of waste: The population of Delhi is 13.9 million they produce 7000 tonnes/day of municipal solid waste at the rate of 0.500 kg/capital/day and accordingly the population as well as the MSW in increasing by 2026 the municipal solid waste generated will increase to 17,000-25,000 tonnes/day. Because of the increase in the MSW the municipal body will face a lot of problem after composting and incineration they would still have to deal with a lot of waste and this waste would generally go to landfill sites. The characterisation of the waste by its type, composition and source is important this will make monitoring and management of solid waste easy. Based on this we can use different types of processes to dispose the solid waste. The following information will tell about the generation of MSW from various sources is Delhi in the year 2004. Source wise generation of the MSW (tonnes/day) in Delhi Sources MSW(Tonnes/day) Residential waste 3010 Industrial waste 502 Hospital waste 107 Main shopping centres 1017 Construction waste 382 Vegetable and fruit markets 538 Source 🙠 MCD, 2004) The Tata Energy Research Institute conducted a study in 2002 in Delhi to determine the physical and chemical composition of municipal solid waste. This study in 2002 tells us that the composition of MSW is not changed that much from the past decade. According to the study the major part of the MSW consists of biodegradables fallowed by other wastes. Physical composition (as wt. %) of MSW Chemical composition (as wt. %) of MSW Parameters 2002 Biodegradable 38.6 Inert 34.7 Glass and Crockery 1.0 Paper 5.6 Non-biodegradable 13.9 Plastic 6.0 Parameters 2002 Moisture 43.8 Phosphorus as P2O5 0.3 Organic carbon 20.5 nitrogen 0.9 C/N ratio 24.1 Calorific value (kCal/kg) 713.0 Source 🙠 TERI, 2002) The composition of MSW of an urban population depends on various factors like place location, climate, commercial activities, population, cultural activities, economic status if the residence and urban structure .Before we do anything we need to know the composition of the MSW so we can determine the best suited operations and equipment for the facilities that dispose of the MSW. There was a survey conducted by Municipal Corporation of Delhi to evaluate the composition and properties of MSW. This study involved the different places in Delhi where MSW was produces. The following table tells the details of the study Composition (as wt. %) of MSW generating from various sources in Delhi Parameters Food waste Recyclables Inert Others Moisture Ash content C/N ratio Lower CV (kcal/kg) Higher CV (kcal/kg) Residential waste 1.low income group 58.4 15.7 22.8 3.1 54 21.8 39 754-2226 2238-4844 2. Middle income group 76.6 21.2 0.5 1.7 65 6.3 30 732-1939 3415-6307 3.High income group 71.9 23.1 0.3 4.7 59 10.9 31 1300-1887 4503-5359 4. JJ Clusters (Slums) 69.4 14.1 15.8 0.7 63 15.6 46 204-1548 1582-4912 Vegetable markets 97.2 2.3 0.5 76 3.3 16 0-1309 3083-4442 Institutional areas 59.7 33.8 4 2.5 50 6.7 35 129-3778 2642-5459 Streets 28.4 12 56.1 3.5 19 56.7 51 1007-2041 1188-3289 Commercial areas 15.6 68 16.4 18 8.8 158 1815-4593 3373-6185 Landfills 73.7 9.2 10.8 6.3 47 15.3 38 191-4495 2042-5315 Source :- (MCD, 2004) RELEVANT REGULATIONS FOR MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN INDIA The major policies and legislative frameworks for the municipal solid waste management in Delhi are Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000: according to this policy there is a set process for the collection, sorting, storage, transportation and disposal of the MSW. The Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 and Amendment Rules, 2003:- bio-medical waste should be treated according to the standards of schedule v. The Delhi plastic bag (Manufacture, Sales and Usage) And Non-Biodegradable Garbage (Control) Act, 2000: according to this plastic bags should be recycled and non-degradable plastic bags should not be dumped in public drains. Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989 and Amendment Rules, 2000 and 2003:-there are limitations for the import and export of hazardous wastes and there should be proper handling and management of hazardous waste. (Ministry of Environment and Forests, 2000) MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE MANAGENENT IN DELHI Primary collection and storage of MSW in Delhi According to the Delhi municipal corporation act 1957 the owners, tenants or the person who is occupying the residence, commercial or industrial area is responsible for the disposal of the MSW at a particular area provided by the municipal corporation. But this rule was changed in 2000 which stated that the collection of MSW would be from house to house because of this rule the municipality cooperation faced a lot of problem due to the rise in population as well as residential houses so doth the systems are being applied to collect MSW. The municipal cooperation of Delhi is getting awareness programs to help the citizens understand the need of segregating the municipal solid waste by placing two separate bins one for recycling materials and the other non-recycling materials. By doing this the municipality is reducing the work load and they can dispose of the material in an easy way without any fuss. The municipal authority has a schedule for the collection of the waste example a part icular area will have a particular day for the collection of MSW. The Delhi municipal authority provides a primary storage facilities like dustbins, metal containers that have different capacities ranging from 1m3 ,4m3,10m3 to 12-15 tonnes these containers are placed in locations that are easily accusable to people. The size of the containers that are place at a primary storage location depends on the amount of MSW being produced by the area and the population of the area. These metal containers and bins are emptied with the help of modern hydraulic collection trucks. In Delhi on an average there are 3-4 collection sites. The MCD has employed about 50,000 people for primary storage collection, 2600 for secondary storage collection and about 370 people foe sweeping the streets. (Ministry of Environment and Forests, 2000) Transportation The MCD has many vehicles for the collection of primary and secondary storage waste. The MSD in its fleet contains refuse removal trucks, tractors and loaders they have about 100 vehicles to do the job. What these vehicles do is they collect the waste and take them to the landfill sites. Recycling and re-use Recycling and re-use of MSW is done in a widespread manner where waste pickers are employed as well as there are self employed waste pickers who collect the waste and sell them. How the system works is that these waste pickers and waste collectors gather waste from the residential areas, commercial areas, streets and landfill sites and they sell them to the dealers these dealers range from small, medium and large dealers. After the dealers purchase the materials they are sent to the recycling plant that is established by the government. The following table tells us at what rate the materials are sold (Ankit agarwal, Ashish Singhmar, 2004) Prices of recyclable materials at different recycling levels Recyclable material Recyclable material Price at small recyclable dealer (Rs.) Price at medium recyclable dealer (Rs.) Price at large recyclable dealer (Rs.) Value added in the Process (%) Plastic PET bottles 1.75 2.25-2.50 3.75-4 121 Milk packets 5.5-6.5 6-7 8-8.50 37.5 Hard plastic like shampoo bottles, caps 7-7.25 9 10-10.5 41 Plastic thread, fibres, ropes, chair cane 6-7 8-8.50 10 67 Plastic cups and glasses 7-8 10-12 13-14 80 Paper White paper 3-3.25 3.75-4 5-6 76 Mix shredded paper 2-2.25 2.25-2.50 3-3.25 47 Cartons and brown packing Papers 2.25 2.50 3 33 Fresh newspaper 3-3.50 3.25-3.75 4.50-4.75 42 Tetra pack 1.75-2 2-2.25 2.75-3 53 Glass Broken glass 0.50 0.90-1 90 Bottles 2 2.25-2.50 19 Aluminium Beer and cold drink cans 40-45 43-48 75-85 88 Deodorant, scent cans 42-45 55-60 90-95 113 Aluminium foil 20-22 25-27 30-32 48 Other metals Steel utensils 20-22 25-27 30 43 Copper wire 70-75 80-85 95-100 35 Source 🙠 Ankit agarwal, Ashish Singhmar, 2004) Composting: Coming to composting only 9% of the total MSW is composted the remaining 91% is sent to landfill sites. There are three places set up by the Delhi municipal authority for composting MSW where as two plants are set up at Okhala and the other one is set up at Bhalswa .These plant has a treatment capacity of 150 tonnes/day but they are not utilised to the fullest because of the cost. The treatment capacity of the plant at Bhalswa is 500 tonnes/day. (Vikash Talyan, R.P. Dahiya, 2008) Incineration: The municipal cooperation of Delhi also tried incarnation they built an incineration plant with the help of a foreign company. But this was shut down immediately because the MSW did not have enough calorific value the minimum calorific value is between 1200-1400 kcal/kg. (Vikash Talyan, R.P. Dahiya, 2008). Final disposal of MSW: Of the total amount of MSW collected 91% is sent to landfill. These landfill sites are located at the outskirts of the city. The land fill sites are the nearest available low line area or waste lands. The transfer of the MSW to these sites is by the vehicles that the Delhi municipality has. These landfill sites are chosen based only on availability and not on any other reason. These landfill sites are poorly maintained which arises a problem of health and safety as well as environmental concerns. There is another big issue because of the poor maintenance of the landfill sites there is a lot of leachate that is being produced mostly in the rainy season due to which the ground water as well as the river next to the landfill sites is getting contaminated. At these landfill sites with the help of bulldozers the MSW is levelled and compressed. The MSW is compressed to a layer of 2-5m and a covering is provided. At the binging there were 20 landfill sites that were created by the Delhi mun icipality out of which 15 are exhausted already. At present there are 3 landfill sites that are being operated one is at Gazipur it was started in 1984 , the other landfill site is located at Bhalswa it was started in 1993 ,the last operating land fill site is located in Okhala it was started in 1994. (Vikash Talyan, R.P. Dahiya, 2008). HEALTH AND SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS Health and safety and environmental risks are a major concern in the MSW management in Delhi. The workers as well as the waste pickers are not provided with proper health and safety equipment like boots and gloves. The working conditions are unhygienic .the chance of transfer of infection is high and because of this if a worker gets sick he loses his wages. The workers are also not provided with medical insurance. The environmental risk is also high because the landfill sites are not maintained properly and the leachate gets leaked into the underground water as well as the river Yamuna .these issues should be looked into very carefully. IMPROVEMENTE We can improve these poor conditions by privatisation. We can let the private sectors help in the disposal of MSW. The Delhi municipal authorities can open the incineration plant and dispose the waste. They can also involve the local communities as well as the NGOs to help in the disposal of waste. The municipal authorities should identify a proper treatment technology. The authorities should increase standards of reuse and recycling of waste mainly composting. CONCLUSION With the rapid increase in population and fast urbanisation of Delhi the current policies and regulations want be sufficient for controlling the rapid increase in the MSW. Due to this the health and safety as well as the environmental risks are increasing .The municipal authorities of Delhi cannot keep up with the MSW that is being produced now but according to a prediction the MSW by 2026 is going to increase 4 folds if this happens the municipal authorities will be facing a lot of problem. Even the Delhi government has realised this and they are making changes in the form of master plans. The government is also approaching the public and private sectors for help like the citizens and the NGOs. First of all people should be educated on proper disposal of MSW. The government should see to that the master plans are being properly followed at all levels. Only by doing this the Delhi municipal authorities can keep the MSW in control. Referencing Ankit agarwal, Ashish Singhmar, 2004. Municipal solid waste recycling and associated markets in Delhi, India. Resources, Conservation and Recycling Census of India,.2001 . Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India (GoI). [Online].available Hoornweg, Daniel with Laura Thomas. 1999. Working Paper Series Nr. 1. Urban Development Sector Unit. East Asia and Pacific Region. Page 5. [Online] Hoornweg, D., Laura, T., 1999. What a waste: solid management in Asia. Working Paper Series No. 1. Urban Development Sector Unit, East Asia and Pacific Region, the World Bank, Washington, DC MCD, 2004. Feasibility study and master plan report for optimal solid waste treatment and disposal for the entire state of Delhi based on public and private partnership solution, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Delhi, India. Ministry of Environment and Forests, 2000.the gazette of India. [Online]. Available TERI, 2002.Performance Measurements of Pilot Cities, Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, India. Vikash Talyan, R.P. Dahiya, 2008. State of municipal solid waste management in Delhi, the capital of India, Waste Management Volume 28, Issue 7, 2008, Pages 1276-1287

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

An Ounce Of Cure :: essays research papers

As the old saying goes, â€Å"an ounce of cure is worth a pound of prevention†. I believe that this is what the author thought of when choosing the title for this story. There is a lot of wisdom found in these words that is usually only realized after the fact. This reminds me of another old saying that I think also applies to this story – â€Å"Hindsight is twenty-twenty†. How many times have we thought, â€Å"if only I knew then what I know now†? Would we have made the same choices? This question is difficult to answer since we cannot change the past. This story is about a teenage girl, whose first heartbreak leads to some rather unfortunate events. She tells us about her first love and her first kiss. â€Å"Two months, and a few amatory stages later, he dropped† her for a girl who was performing opposite him in a school play. Watching him with the other girl was more than she could bear and the night she went to see the play was â€Å"the beginning of months of real, if more or less self-inflicted, misery† for her. While baby-sitting one night, she made the fatal mistake of getting drunk. She then calls her best friend, who shows up with another girl and several boys, to help her with her situation. Before she was able to cover up the ill-fated events, the couple returned home unexpectedly. She then had to explain what happened to her mother. Her mother then buys a bottle of Scotch and goes to see the couple to discuss her daughter’s actions. She was forbidden to date again until she turned sixteen and she ha d to pay for the bottle out of her baby-sitting money. Her reputation suffered greatly until the fall, when another girl did something even more scandalous and people forgot about her. In the end, she discovered that she was completely over the boy and she learned a valuable lesson about how actions have consequences. I found this story very enjoyable to read. I felt that the story was well written and conveyed a realistic insight into what some teenage girls experience. I, having once been a teenager, can relate to the girl in the story. Although I didn’t get drunk, I still recall my first love and the crushing heartache I felt when he broke up with me. People deal with rejection and disappointment in different ways, and sometimes we can use poor judgment. An Ounce Of Cure :: essays research papers As the old saying goes, â€Å"an ounce of cure is worth a pound of prevention†. I believe that this is what the author thought of when choosing the title for this story. There is a lot of wisdom found in these words that is usually only realized after the fact. This reminds me of another old saying that I think also applies to this story – â€Å"Hindsight is twenty-twenty†. How many times have we thought, â€Å"if only I knew then what I know now†? Would we have made the same choices? This question is difficult to answer since we cannot change the past. This story is about a teenage girl, whose first heartbreak leads to some rather unfortunate events. She tells us about her first love and her first kiss. â€Å"Two months, and a few amatory stages later, he dropped† her for a girl who was performing opposite him in a school play. Watching him with the other girl was more than she could bear and the night she went to see the play was â€Å"the beginning of months of real, if more or less self-inflicted, misery† for her. While baby-sitting one night, she made the fatal mistake of getting drunk. She then calls her best friend, who shows up with another girl and several boys, to help her with her situation. Before she was able to cover up the ill-fated events, the couple returned home unexpectedly. She then had to explain what happened to her mother. Her mother then buys a bottle of Scotch and goes to see the couple to discuss her daughter’s actions. She was forbidden to date again until she turned sixteen and she ha d to pay for the bottle out of her baby-sitting money. Her reputation suffered greatly until the fall, when another girl did something even more scandalous and people forgot about her. In the end, she discovered that she was completely over the boy and she learned a valuable lesson about how actions have consequences. I found this story very enjoyable to read. I felt that the story was well written and conveyed a realistic insight into what some teenage girls experience. I, having once been a teenager, can relate to the girl in the story. Although I didn’t get drunk, I still recall my first love and the crushing heartache I felt when he broke up with me. People deal with rejection and disappointment in different ways, and sometimes we can use poor judgment.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

capital punishment Essay -- essays research papers

The Ineffectiveness of Capital Punishment For many years, capital punishment has been in use, but it is not been effective. Theodore Robert Bundy in 1978, slipped into a Tallahassee sorority house and bludgeoned two sleeping women to death, then killed a 12-year-old girl in Lake City. He was sentenced to three concurrent death sentences in 1979. Nine years later, Bundy is alive and well on the Death Row (Von Drehle 1A). A prisoner sentenced to death spends an average of 10 years, nationally, on death row waiting for their execution. More than 2,100 people live on America's death Rows. At the current execution rate, it would take eighty-two years to kill them all. Death Row is going to get bigger, the wait for execution is sure to get longer, and the cost is bound to get higher. At this rate, it seems that capital punishment will never become a reasonable or efficient means of controlling violent crime. Charles Proffitt murdered Joel Medgebow by stabbing a bread knife into Joel's chest while he was sleeping, an act well determined to be premeditated in the case’s court sessions. Three years after the crime was committed, using Profitt vs. Florida as its test case, the US Supreme Court officially gave its support to Florida's death penalty. "Profitt could be dead in six months", said Attorney General Robert Shevin (von Drehle 1A). Today, 15 years after his heinous crime, Charles is still alive and well, and living off of the money paid by Florida state tax payers, as should be well noted. He is sewing uniforms at the Florida's state prison. The Supreme Court commuted his sentence last year to life in prison. The state of Florida spent five hundred thousand dollars in one decade to bring Proffitt to justice and half of that was spent to send Proffitt to the his death in the electric chair. The death penalty is slow and weak. It actually ends up costing much more than life in prison without parole, and all of that cost coming from tax payers’ money. It has cost Florida at least fifty-seven million dollars since 1973 to achieve eighteen executions. There is an average cost of three million two hundred thousand dollars per execution (Miami Herald, July 10, 1988). Thirty-six inmates on the Florida's death row have been there more than 10 years. Florida's senior De... ...onvicted murderer fears a life in prison more than he does a swift execution. Hence, if the threat of being killed for killing someone isn’t as great a detereent of these violent crimes as the threat of spending the rest of your life in a jail cell, then why even consider the death penalty? Lastly, restitution of the damage. A criminal would be expected to make some sort of reparation for the damage they cause. If they break a window, they replace it. If they stale a car, they replace that. However, if a criminal takes a life, killing them doesn’t give them much of a chance to make reparations, does it? Rather, instead of killing them, put them to work, so that the remainder of their lives might be spent contributing to society so as to try and replace the life they took by producing as much as two people do. The final verdict on this topic, then, should not be one of support for the death penalty, but rather of opposition to it. It is more expensive, it is less effective, and above all, it is wrong. To continue to allow the death penalty is to continue to allow the states to wander around blind in search of a greater good for itself and its citizens.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Duffys poetry Essay

A critic has writ7ten that â€Å"Duffy’s poetry is primarily concerned with human failings†. To what extent do you feel this is true of ‘The Worlds Wife’? Refer to two or three poems in detail or range more widely through the whole collection. Carol Ann Duffy’s collection of ‘The Worlds Wife’ revolves a lot around the subject of human failings. Duffy’s use of everyday language allows her poems to be interpreted by everyone. In the collection of ‘The Worlds Wife’ she tackles serious issues such as gender, contemporary culture, alienation and social inequality. These themes allow her to writing to appeal to a contemporary audience and delivers key messages. The theme of arrogance is seen in several poems, in Mrs Icarus we see that she finds his arrogance unappealing and that she feels as if men feel they can defy the acts of God â€Å"he’s a total, utter absolute, Grade A pillock. † This is similar to Faust, who sold his sole to the devil in return for twenty-four years of unlimited pleasure, knowledge and power; he boasts â€Å"I spent the night being pleasured by a virtual Helen of Troy. † Dr Faustus’ lack of self control, ignorance and plain arrogance could be assumed to be a failing, although he lived a happy life his inhibitions to be successful he needed the aid of the devil therefore he was doomed from the beginning. Here we can see the obvious links between the two poems and how the two characters egotistical ways led to their failure. One interesting failure Duffy uses is seen in the poem ‘The Devils Wife’, Duffy interestingly splits this poem into six sections which all relate back to different themes, we see the value of a relationships, motherhood and repentance. The poem is written based on the background history of the Moors Murders, with the protagonist Myra Hindley and how she became besotted with sociopath Ian Brady. In the first part of the poem we as the readers see how Duffy, displays Hindley as being the ordinary office worker with a crush â€Å"I scowled and poured and sneered. I gave as good as good as I got till he asked me out† we can see that she was the one who initiated the whole relationship. The story changes â€Å"He entered me. † From this moment she was now his, this could be another failing that men have more control than women and she was just his puppet â€Å"he made me bury a doll. † Duffy uses an interesting metaphor here, she say â€Å"doll† instead of a child as a doll is thought to be a child’s toy and just a possession which they eventually no longer require. It ends with â€Å"I felt like this: Tongue of stone. Two black slates for eyes. Thumped wound of a mouth. Nobody’s Mam. † We can see that she has become so obsessed with him, her life has changed forever. Also we are able to identify another theme of motherhood, people were unable to understand how Hindley was able to commit the most abhorrent, sadistic and unforgivable crimes against children as women are associated with protective mother love. We then see that in the third part of the poem, Duffy uses a sonnet in an untraditional form; instead of it being the ordinary love poem, the lack of punctuation shows Hindley’s state of mind and she’s finally repenting and blaming Brady for all of the murders. The final part of the poem gives different forms of execution and she finally admits she was in fact the Devil’ wife. Although this poem is lengthy, the key themes all relate to the main subject of â€Å"human failings†, love is a key importance in this poem â€Å"He held my heart in his fist and squeezed it dry. † Here we can see that men are dominant in relationships and Brady was in control of Hindley, which could be deemed a failing. Also motherhood is a joyous gift in life and could be one of the most important things in life but Hindley displays apathy towards children and lets Brady control her life â€Å"I flew in my chains†¦where we’d buried the doll. † Finally we see another theme of repentance â€Å"Get me a Bible honestly promise you swear† but by the time she finally realised her mistakes it was too late. Another them used is Power, this could also be assumed as a failing. In Mrs Midas, in which she finds that everything her husband touches turns to gold; soon after she realises the marriage will not work because of her husband’s selfishness. â€Å"I thought of the Field of the Cloth of Gold and of Miss Macready. † Here we can see that her husband valued wealth above everything else, but it wasn’t until he accidently touched his daughter he realised the mistake of his greed that was his failing. In The Kray Sisters, Duffy subverts the original story by using female portrayals instead of men; the poem uses cockney slang which allows us as readers to interact more with the poem and makes it more believable. The Kray Twins ran a protective racket, and were well known ‘West End gangsters’. The poem actually displays the success of the twins and how they were feared among the streets. However interestingly this so-called respect may have given the Kray’s the authority they wanted â€Å"We wanted respect for the way we entered a bar, or handled a car, or shrivelled a hard-on with simply a menacing look† However ultimately this respect led to the demise of the twins and they may have ruled the west end during their time but landed themselves a life-sentence in prison. Was it really worth it? Respect and honour are meant to be earned with dignity not by threatening and violating people; therefore I think that although this poem contains positive connotations it ultimately displays a failing. Duffy’s collection of the Worlds Wife is an interesting selection of poems and it is clear that one of the major themes associated with the collection is Human Failings, although these are not seen clearly and not every persona fails the actions they carry out could be assumed as a failing. The ironical and satirical way Duffy writes displays the dark humour of The Worlds Wife we can see that Duffy tries to impersonate the wives of famous characters both factious and fictions.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Connections Les Murray Essay

A connection is an avenue of interaction that establishes and develops a relationship between people, places, and culture. Connections as social constructs may be positive or negative, impacted by internal beliefs, values and ideas that underlie the external determinants of environment, attitudes and culture within society. Poet Les Murray and educator Jane Elliott critically explore in their texts the cultural disconnection in the Australian and Canadian communities in response to the interaction of these factors and their effect on the avenues of interaction between people. Les Murray’s Sydney and the Bush embodies the poet’s personal connection and attachment to the ‘farmer lifestyle’ as he blames the disconnection of urban and rural Australia entirely on the city’s infatuation with materialistic pleasure. This consequently emphasises his value of the nature of rural society. Murray perceives the infatuation as an external attitude of the modernised and corrupted urban society, factored by the city individual’s internal values of luxury, wealth and power being the unmistakable cause of the cultural divide. He reinforces this notion through the technique of repetition, using the phrase ‘When Sydney’ in order to periodically mark the progression of cultural disconnection and accentuate the attributing internal and external factors. â€Å"When Sydney ordered lavish books, and warmed her feet with coal† reiterates the internal necessity for comfort and sophistication as few of limited sources of satisfaction. Les Murray further develops the concept of disconnection in the poem when â€Å"then bushman sank and factories rose, and warders set the tone†, contextualising this to reveal a loss of cultural identity for the rural community through industrialisation. â€Å"Then convicts bled and warders bred, the bush went back and back† whereby the poet suggests that nature is the central value of the farmer lifestyle, governing the internal and external factors of their connections, which in this poem is a disconnection to the urban society. Thus, Murray demonstrates that our connections are negatively impacted by internal and external factors, expressing a critical perspective that reflects his own value of and connection to nature and its simplicity as a source of contentment. creates another social critique of the urban social hierarchy contrast he begins the poem with â€Å"When Sydney and the Bush first met, there was no open ground† and ends with a juxtaposing â€Å"When Sydney and the Bush meet now, There is no common ground† enabling readers to identify the divided Australia in its urban and rural communities.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

How I Changed My Family - 849 Words

I have always known I was adopted, my mom, my adoptive mom has never kept this a secret from me. I loved my family that I grew up with; they never treated me any different. They were Caucasian and me, I was African American. When I was little I lived in three different states; Texas, Alaska, and Las Vegas. Growing up life was a little rough for me. I was always teased because my mom was white and I was black, my hair wasn’t how other expected for it to be, and kids would also make fun of the way that I dressed. I thought maybe if I knew my real mom as a child life would have been better for me. I love my mom, however, I had always wanted to know who my real mother was, but I was afraid I would never know her because when I was adopted it was a closed adoption. When I was 17 years old my mom told me that she had the court papers. They stated who my real mother was, her address, and phone number. My mom told me that because my adoption was a closed adoption that I wasn’t supposed to meet her until after I was 18 years old. When my mom gave me the papers I called the number on the court papers to verify if my biological mother, Felicia, stayed there. I was a tad bit nervous, but we talked and she seemed very happy to talk with me. Conversing with my real mom she told me all about her. I found out that I have a little brother, Doug, that wasn’t too much younger than me, and I also have a little sister, Kristina. I was so happy to know a little more about my family and IShow MoreRelatedHow I Changed My Family Essay1846 Words   |  8 Pageskeep. I grew up in Lynchburg Virginia and I had few people I considered friends. I wasn’t a very social person and liked to keep to myself over being in the company of others. I was always the person that my friends went to when they needed someone to listen to them. 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Friday, January 3, 2020

Death, But Love, And The Mind - 969 Words

â€Å"This was a Poet – / It is That / Distills amazing sense / From Ordinary Meanings† (Dickinson, Fr 446). Emily Dickinson was that poet. Though her life was nowhere near as influential and turbulent as other poets, she managed to bring a fresh, occasionally wry outlook on ordinary things. She is popularly known today for her largely death-related poetry and reclusive lifestyle, yet her life influenced her poetry to encompass many themes, not just death, but love, nature, and the mind. â€Å"To make the abstract tangible, to define meaning without confining it, to inhabit a house that never became a prison, Dickinson created in her writing a distinctively elliptical language for expressing what was possible but not yet realized.† (Poetry Foundation, 2013). Dickinson wrote largely about death, loss and pain. Many of her poems describe death as a suitor, yet a tyrant. Death was the object of fear, and yet it was a blessed way into Heaven- the ultimate release. These negative themes overlapped with her motif of the mind, or the ‘inner world’, and hope. As for love, she treated it with great sincerity, revealing her passion through the intense words. Her poems about love also overlapped with her love of nature, but she did not always view nature as a benevolent being. Dickinson wrote her poems with a specific style, which many deem as ‘cryptic’. This may be due in part to her deep symbolism, and the leaving out of some words, forc ing the readers to finish the connection. SheShow MoreRelatedThe Solution : Forgiveness And Forgiveness802 Words   |  4 Pagesexcept God. what an unpleasant state of mind and spirit. God’s plans is not to harm us, but to prosper us and give us hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29.11 niv) i could not continue living my life in this state of mind. an immediate change was vital or something drastic could have occurred. the solution was forgiveness and forgiveness is a medication of cleansness. as hard as it was, i had to forgive. forgiveness was harder with an individual because of death prior to establishing peace. it has beenRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1147 Words   |  5 Pagesif mutual love accompanies it. Capulet’s perspective that life is limiting prevails for anybody who isn’t exposed to mutual love because â€Å"we were born to die† (3.4.4). To those exposed to mutual love---particularly Romeo and Juliet, life is profoundly valuable, for being with their partner stimulates and unifies every part of their bodies: mind, spirit and emotion. To both Romeo and Juliet, life absent of love makes death preferable to living. 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